Source maps are available on most environments we support.
flagTo enable sourcemaps in the Sprockets processor you need to turn on the relative flag:
Opal::Config.source_map_enabled = true # default
The source maps only work with Sprockets in debug mode - this is a limitation of Sprockets.
Rails has debug mode already enabled in development environment with the following line from config/environments/development.rb
# Debug mode disables concatenation and preprocessing of assets.
# This option may cause significant delays in view rendering with a large
# number of complex assets.
config.assets.debug = true
also enables sourcemaps in development so with the standard setup you ready to go.
You can add Opal::Server
as in the official example: sinatra/
(which is based on Sprockets) implements sourcemaps and can be used alone or with Rack::Cascade
in conjunction with other apps.
Like Opal::Server
, Opal::SimpleServer
(which isn't based on Sprockets) implements sourcemaps properly.
is a bit lower level and doesn't support source maps by itself. It requires you to call in a specific method to generate them yourself.